In early 1E, Lookshy was just “the Dragonblooded who objected to the Realm and had enough magitech to make that stick”. Other than that, they were often dealt with as Realm Lite, right down to having Wyld Hunts and so on and so forth. This wasn’t really based on anything written about Lookshy in specific, …
On Autochthon and Gremlin Syndrome
The cancer analogy is a pretty good one. It’s not so much that he is actively out to kill himself, as his internal functions are running out of control in a way that is detrimental to his health. In much the same way a malignant tumor in your bone marrow may spread cells into your …
On How Aaron Saw Exalted
That’s the way many people play it, yes. Then there are those of us who fell in love with the very first paragraph of the very first chapter of the very first book. “Before the world was bent but after the Great Contagion, there was a civilization built in the image of the First Age. …