The difference is that Solar Charms are supposed to be result-oriented toolset Charms. They are straightforward, focused in narrow niches of utility and extremely useful when applied. Solars are supposed to be the simplest Exalt-type to play and thus need the simplest and most newbie friendly Charmset to match that desire. The answer to “How do I …
On SWLIHN’s Charmset
(in response to someone saying She Who Lives In Her Name represented, among other things, physics) She’s not physics, she’s mathematics. There is a difference. Her Charms should be less generic sci-fi telekinesis as Weird Math Equations. Like, instead of her perfect defense being summoning a equal and opposite counter-force, it should be a mathematical …
On Borgstromancy
Borgstromancy is the act of revealing setting information via game mechanics. So basically any mechanic which says something definitive about the world is Borgstromancy. For example: Ownership is a metaphysical quality of the universe of Creation. It is defined, in most cases, by the loyalty of the Least Gods of the object in question, whose …
Solving the Problem of Lopsided Attributes
We could probably solve this by enforcing a rule that required all Attributes in one category to be within one dot of another attribute. For instance, if you had Dexterity 4 you could have Stamina 5 and Strength 3 but not Strength 2. This would answer the problem of people with olympic-level Dexterity not having …
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Hard Exalts Making Hard Decisions
Hard Exalts making Hard Decisions! The cause of, and solution to, all of Creation’s problems.
Why Alchemicals Shouldn’t Have Bureaucracy Charms
See, the thing is that the point of making Alchemicals nothing without their nation-state is that they have to be ultimately subservient to it. If their nation-state is run by a bunch of fascist xenophobic assholes? Welp. You can protest that, but suddenly you’ll find your vats access curtailed and yourself assigned to shit assignments …
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On Science in Creation
It’s less about science not being possible, so much as the society of the time not being the kind which would support it. Look at the actual ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese civilizations. They had a lot of natural philosophers. Some even had plenty of advanced for the time technology; novelty steam-driven toys, for example …
On Balancing Artifacts
The thing about balancing artifacts (or whatever you want to call magical equipment) is that they should be balanced with the other ‘non-intrinsic’ character resources that a character can develop over the course of play. And should have as much investment required and limitations imposed as those resources as well. Looking at it solely from …
Why The Fair Folk Should be Creation’s Victims
The problem with the “Creation is ultimately insignificant” thing is this: It cuts all narrative heft out of the Fair Folk. If the raksha are not, in fact, the refugees of a massive crime which destroyed their very reality and imposed the horrors of time and distance and direction and death (never forget death) on them, then …
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The Problem With Lunar Shapeshifting
Playing every Lunar as Carnivore Beast Boy is far too versatile and difficult to control for any form of balancing to make any kind of sense. It also makes creating a working Charmtech for them almost impossible. “Why buy wilderness survival Charms for a character that can turn into a camel or a fish or …