Why Most Young Dragonblooded Don’t Ditch the Realm to Set Up Petty Kingdoms

Dragonblooded have all sorts of incentives to aggregate into the biggest groups possible. Their magic is substantially stronger when they work in groups. Further, while they have long lifespans they do need to reproduce, and to make certain their kids Exalt they need to reproduce with someone who has as high a Breeding background as …

The One Thing Exalted Needs

Frankly, any Exalted system that does not let me emulate all the characters in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is a failed Exalted system. And that includes the guy whose crossbow fired more bolts than a gatling gun.

All content unless stated otherwise is ©2021 Chris McNeil. He can be contacted here. The banner picture is courtesy of Jason Heavensrun. You can find more of his stuff at Checkmate Studios.