
Effortlessly Rising Flame
Cost: None Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Anima
Mins: Dodge 2, Essence 1 Prereqs: None

Anyone can see that Fire abhors Earth and rises to escape it at any opportunity. Purchasing this Charm grants the character some of that natural predilection. This power may be activated in Step 10 of combat resolution, costing one mote to instantly negate any Knockdown effect. The character falls, but instantly rises to his feet. This effect also adds a three point artificial specialty to Athletics to determine jumping distance when the mote is paid.

Arrow Consuming Anima Defence
Cost: None Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Anima
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3 Prereqs: Effortlessly Rising Flame

This Charm infuses the Dragonblooded’s anima with the heat of the elemental pole of fire. This causes any wooden arrows that enter the anima to burn up harmlessly before they can harm the Exalt. So long as the Exalt’s anima is flaring at least at the 11+ motes level, this Charm perfectly destroys all incoming wooden projectiles (or other flammable ammunition) and Firewand attacks. This Charm has no effect on attacks made by non-flammable materials, such as metal or stone weapons or attacks generated from pure Essence.

Smoke Obscuring Effect
Cost: 3m, 1wp Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Duration: One Scene
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Cooperative, Obvious, War
Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2 Prereqs: (Any) Dodge Excellency

The Dragonblooded concentrates for a moment, then surrounds himself and up to a unit of Magnitude 1 with a hazy field that makes determining their exact location almost impossible. While the most common effect is the namesake smoke, this Charm can produce effects unique to each Exalt, such as clouds of dust and grit, leaves, heat wave distortions or water and ice that reflects and distorts the Exalt’s location. This Charm imposes a -1 external penalty against all attacks. This external penalty does not count as a DV bonus for the purposes of Charm limitations, but it is based on visual obfuscation. It does not stack with similar poor vision penalties, and any effect that negates such penalties negates this penalty as well.

When evoked Cooperatively, this Charm may affect a number of individuals whose combined Magnitude is no higher than the number of Dragonblooded participants. This Charm has special timing rules during War. If enough Dragonblooded in the unit know this Charm, its effects are considered to be active at all times, provided those Dragonblooded are Heroes, Sorcerers or Relays within the unit.

Hopping Firecracker Evasion
Cost: 2m Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2 Prereqs: (Any) Dodge Excellency

Like fire in the wind, the Exalt retreats from any attack. If the character successfully Dodges an attack, he may make an immediate move action. He may move up to his normal Dash Movement per tick in yards, but this movement imposes a -2DV penalty just as if the character had flurried a Dash action. Movement from this Charm does not count towards the character’s normal movement per tick.

At Essence 4+, the Dragonblooded may also use this movement as an attempt to Reestablish Surprise, using all the normal rules for such an action.

Virtuous Negation Defence
Cost: 2m Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2 Prereqs: Hopping Firecracker Evasion

The heroic Dragonblooded is always prepared to defend an ally. The character can evoke this Charm whenever an ally within his normal Movement (in yards/tick) is attacked. When evoked, this Charm instantly makes the Exalt the target of the attack. The Dragonblooded may defend against this attack as normal. This has the side-effect of instantly moving the Dragonblooded to the allies location.

Safety Among Enemies
Cost: 3m Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2 Prereqs: Hopping Firecracker Evasion

The crafty Dragonblooded is always prepared to turn his enemies against each other. The character can evoke this Charm whenever he successfully Dodges an attack. He may choose a new target for the attack, who must be within his normal Movement (in yard/tick) of both the Dragonblooded and the attacker. This Charm cannot be activated if there is no valid target for the attack within range. The attacker uses the same attack, with the same weapon and all the same Step 1 Charms (though he need not pay for them a second time) and the new target may defend as normal. This Charm does not impose the usual -1 DV penalty for a Counterattack on the Dragonblooded.

Karmic Retribution Strike
Cost: 4m Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3 Prereqs: Safety Among Enemies

The Dragonblooded is ready to exploit any weakness or opening. The Exalt may evoke this Charm after successfully Dodging an attack. He may then make a close combat attack against the opponent, using his full dice pool for the attack. This Charm follows all the usual rules for Counterattacks, including DV penalties and timing issues.

Flare Defence
Cost: None Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2 Prereqs: Virtuous Negation Defence, Third Dodge Excellency

This Charm permanently enhances the Dragonblooded’s abilities. He may protect his allies by causing elemental flares that can shift and push them out of the way of incoming attacks or help blunt the attacks. Flashes of blinding fire, miniature earthquakes, stiff winds and so on are common expressions of this Charm. Once this Charm is learned, the character can evoke his Third Dodge Excellency to aid any ally in his line of sight. All the normal rules for use of the Third Excellency apply, except that the Dragonblooded pays the motes and the ally benefits from the effects.

Unassailable Anima Body Defence
Cost: 4m, 1hl Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 5 Prereqs: Karmic Retribution Strike, Flare Defence, Arrow Consuming Element Defence

This Charm allows a character to temporarily merge his body and anima into one, briefly becoming a humanoid flash of raw elemental energy. This Charm renders the character immune to all damage unless the opponent is using a Charm or Magic which is specifically designed to harm dematerialized beings. Even attacks from other dematerialized beings do no damage unless they employ Charms or other magic.

All content unless stated otherwise is ©2021 Chris McNeil. He can be contacted here. The banner picture is courtesy of Jason Heavensrun. You can find more of his stuff at Checkmate Studios.