Sunday, February 01, 2009


HOLY SHIT. I seriously did not realize that I'd abandoned this blog for this long. Behold with amazement as a cunningly idiotic commenter drags me back to the land of, which has apparently been absorbed by our lord Google. I stand in astonishment at a year number -3 from the current date, and almost to the day, to boot.

Ye gads, but what do I say after such a striking absence. No one actually visits this page, typically, although apparently someone found it recently, so hey, maybe -someone- will happen across this blog post.

I am, as it happens, attending college these days, studying to become a physicist, and I am also dating a truly awesome young woman. I still draw occasionally, although I'm hideously behind on commissions, and consequently have pretty much stopped taking them.

I have issues with absentmindedness. It's something of a character flaw, and it gets me in trouble often. It only seems to get worse as I move further into my life. I'm pretty sure I'm too young to be going senile, however. BUT! I think I made a resolution once not to use this blog as an angsty livejournal emo-fest, so I'll not linger on that. so I'll just go with this.

Hey, you. Yeah, the person reading this.

Have I ever said I'd do something for you?

Have I done it?


Please remind me of it.


Seriously. I'm not just being lazy, or deceitful. I FORGOT, and I have NO SENSE OF THE PASSAGE OF TIME.

Help. Please.


Blogger CGM said...

You TOTALLY do not want me to remind you of the stuff you've promised me over the years and not done. ;p

BUT... I do want something from you. Namely, to send me an email, since I have no idea if you still use the AOL one and I never see you on AIM lately. So how convienent you suddenly noticed this again!


3:39 PM  
Anonymous Spottyskunk said...

Welcome back to the land of the creative, maybe?

I know how life gets in the way with work, school and a significant other, for sure.


{This is the guy tat ordered art of Ranma and his character Cat Scratch way back when}

3:37 PM  

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